Sunday, May 3, 2009

Opening Day!

SO here we are, May 2009. We are fat. We want to be skinny!
Our goal: meet our goal weights by May 1 2010!

My goal weight is 120lbs. I am currently 230lbs.
My measurements:
waist: 48.5"
upper arm: 16"
thigh: 27.5"
calf: 16"
bust: 52"
hips: 52"

I plan on spending 2hrs at the gym, 3 times per week... this means I may have to kick my butt out of bed early... grr.

This is a photo of me last summer, its my "before" photo.


  1. Today I decided to do a "biggest loser" weight loss challenge with my mom and my husband. My goal is to be down to 115 pounds by may 1st of 2010. I am currently... bum bum bum 218.5 pounds. eek. So my plan is to follow the weight watchers point system, and go to the gym AT LEAST 3 times per week, doing a half hour of cardio, then 1 hour of resistance training.

    My current measurements are:
    waist: 43.75"
    upper arm: 15.75"
    thigh: 30"
    calf: 16.75"
    bust: 45.75"
    hips: 51"

  2. I am glad we will be doing this together
